Art and Craft

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Art and Craft

更新时间:2024-09-20 04:40:43
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Art and Craft的翻译

1. All reflect the superb craft and art value of porcelain at its peak time in China.

2. The art and craft of paper cutting has long been a tradition in China.

1. Fruit, vegetables and meat can be found in the basement; on the second level is the place for spices and dried goods; while household wares, clothing, art and craft is on the third level.

2. Art and Craft

2. In my craft or sullen art Exercised in the still night When only the moon rages And the lovers lie abed With all their griefs in their arms, I labour by singing light Not for ambition or bread Or the strut and trade of charms On the ivory stages But for the common wages Of their most secret heart.

3. If something genuinely excites her and she wants me to experience it, I willingly involve myself in whatever it may be: a particular type of art, a craft project, a yard project, whatever.


4. The space has been given another meaning when some of the artists use it as the show medium for art craft and treat it deliberately as a part of their portfolio. So, at this time, the space is quite different from the previous visual substantial space. People add new meaning which is beyond the real existing stuff with a traditional meaning. The space is a key factor in the portfolio.

5. Art and Craft

5. Some of Oracle's words and made a comparison table to study the fine time; In Division E Large FANG Ding's home furnishings, carefully photographed, often feel that the art of bronze casting, then sighed ancient craft with amazing wisdom, we find that many people today from the thousands of practice years ago, all the basic shape, but with the development of the times, we have more accumulation and conditions, so the entire community can progress and development, of course, this period can not be separated from our people today are more clever and Innovation

6. In the design aspect, besides maintained the smooth line of cheongsam, clothing design masters retained its rigorous structure, do not have any nonessential accessories such as belt, button-fastening loop, appendix bag and so on; in craft aspect, abbreviating the shoulder part, useing the decoration flower and embroidery, all these things enhances the skin texture effect; structurally, not only adopting the pipa front, the pleasant lapel, the low lapel, the hich collar, the low collar, even on collar, but also involving its sisters art, such as drawing, to make decorations for cheongsam. Those cheongsam on which drown flowers, birds, and makeups in Peking opera, are exotic and elegant. Graft the drawing onto the clothing design and improve the originally structure which is insufficiently comfortable, the new style cheongsam become a marvellous achivement on the international clothing stage Moreover, the production technology innovation, the technical process improvement, the new material use, all of these has poured the new blood into the Chinese dress development.

7. I am especially interested in Chinese art and craft, such as jade carving, ivory carving, wood and bamboo carving as well.

8. Dress craft course is the confluence of theory and practice, it is the confluence of art and science and technology, it is the main component that dress designs, be structural design is outspread with development.

9. Art and Craft

9. As one of the largest foreign trade companies in Jinzhou City, this company exports various glass products glass flower, ashtray, statues, candle stand, fruit, animal, fish, vase, fruit plate, ground glass art and craft works, ceramic products handicraft works, tableware, tea set, hanging plate, and art and craft works made from other materials such as resin, wood, straw, stone, jade, and etc.

10. The main products are: woven, knitting, weaving, and other recreational hook rod, denim clothing and fashion as the main vector, the integration of modern tie-dye, garment dyeing, jeans, three-dimensional folds, rubbing brandy carving, embroidery, printing, printing Dyeing and finishing techniques, such as art formed with distinct personality characteristics of leisure craft clothing lines.


11. The silk person art is the palace art, may trace the Northern Song Dynasty years, in the history although has each kind of fine arts person, but all over the body uses the silk, the silk, the silks manufacture three-dimensional fine arts person artware from the head to the foot, is in in the traditional manufacture foundation, by and so on Mr./Mrs. Ge Jing An passes through epeatedly develops, forms to the beginning of 50's, and gradually formed one set of integrity, the standard manufacture procedures and the manufacture craft.

12. Suddenly art glass Frosted glass bottle with gilt to craft delicate, well-known, may, upon request, to stay in Frosted bottles a variety of window and language patterns (Group tincture four emperors bottles, Gujing Gong's Caocao bottles, their Frosted technology are our factory processing), subject to the universal praise of customers.

13. On the one hand, a particularist view of teaching skills as context-specific responses is liable to give hostages to the fortunes of those who claim that, since the art or craft of teaching rarely if ever involves the application of general rules and principles, it can only be learned via the hands-on school experience which renders college training largely redundant.

14. The ancient Greeks and Romans had no conception of what we call art today, in that time what they regarded merely as a craft or specialized form of skill.

15. Art and Craft的解释

15. The design used in the indigenous art and craft of this tribe is unique.

16. Foshan folk arts, their own characteristics, through cutting, engraving, flutter, plastic, rolling, casting, painting, sticking and other craft techniques to produce a paper-cut, bar-be, Lantern, Autumn (including paper flutter, sculpture, carving, stick puzzle, cast plastic, etc), woodblock New Year pictures, paintings and dozens of works of art.


17. What kind of art and craft you know?

18. Art and Craft的近义词

18. During the process of choosing theme, the thesis deepens the theory ofgraphic language in glass art, and meanwhile, combines with practice toanalyze craft, conception, use, and material character of plate glass by someactual data and typical cases. Finally, the theme on reasonable design of plateglass is put forward.

19. Being specialized in the export of Chinese art and craft goods, we express our

20. The craft adoption of the lacquer ware creation of our company, draw, hang up, engrave, fill, Diao, Lou, whet, inset, Qian's etc. be various skills and have even, bright, thin, evenly, gorgeous, friendship of art performance effect.

This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium.(今天下午上工艺美术课时,我们班正在打扫体育馆。)
Aiming at the machining-demand of the kind of special workpiece, the design and application of a new kind special fixture for this machining art and craft are introduced.(针对一类特殊工件的加工要求,介绍了一种便于此加工工艺的新型自动卡具的设计和应用。)
Every art and craft requires different techniques to bring the materials to life.(每个艺术品和工艺品都需要不同的技术使得原料变得栩栩如生。)
We agree to joint participation with you on Chinese art and craft .(我们同意和贵方合资经营中国工艺品。)
These include exercises, art and craft sessions, games, singing sessions, excursions, reading time, TV programmes and light housekeeping activities.(这些活动包括运动、手工、游戏、唱歌、外游、阅读、看电视和一些轻松的家务。)
Teaching of needlework should be focused on training students′ basic skills of the dress art and craft, make students understand elemental rules of needlework and needle methods of various parts.(缝纫工艺课教学应以服装工艺基本功为基础,以案工技法、技工技巧为规律,以各个部位的缝制方法为特征。)
I know. Waiting is not supposed to be art and craft.(我很清楚,等待并不被认为是一种艺术或是工艺品。)
This service is an unfortunately under-appreciated art and craft.(很遗憾,这项服务作为一种艺术和工艺并未得到应有的重视和赞赏。)
Our company is located in Pujiang, the beautiful hometown of Chinese folk art and craft.(我司座落于美丽的中国民间工艺美术之乡——浦江。)
Yunnan Art and Craft Association Yunnan Fubanji Estate Co.(云南民间文化艺术协会。)
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